
Travel to New Zealand is finally possible again!

Note: This text is updated continuously. Nevertheless, we do not assume any liability for the correctness of the information, please inform yourself additionally also at the official authorities. You will find corresponding links at the end of this article.

volaTWO - fair. fern. reisen. - Destination New Zealand

Finally, there is some very pleasant news from New Zealand:

The “most beautiful end of the world” is finally opening up again to travelers from all over the world after being closed off for over 2 years. Here are the most important key data: People from many parts of the world, including Europe, are expected to be allowed to re-enter New Zealand from July 2022. However, the exact date for the border opening depends on the further development of the infectious event under the influence of the Omicron variant. It may be possible that the date will still be corrected forward, but likewise a further delay cannot be ruled out. Due to the small number of infections in New Zealand, it is difficult to assess whether Omicron poses a greater threat than Delta, so the New Zealand government will also rely on data from other countries around the world.


Initially, a 10-day self-isolation period in a facility designed for this purpose is still mandatory after entry, and this may only be left after the 10 days if the Corona test is negative. It is expected that this isolation period will be reduced to 7 days in the coming weeks. When it will be completely eliminated will again depend on further Omicron developments and findings.

However, we already know two things with certainty:
– – Entry will only be possible with full Covid vaccination protection (exceptions for children up to and including 16 years of age and people who can demonstrably not be vaccinated for medical reasons).

– 48 hrs before departure a PCR test must be done and you must get the negative result before departure. This applies to all travelers, including children (exceptions possible for medical reasons).


It’s not quite the news we wanted yet, but at least it’s a very big and important step towards full and unrestricted reopening of the borders. We will keep you updated on further developments.


Further information can be found on the following pages, among others:

Official information from the New Zealand government about entering New Zealand

Official site of the New Zealand government for all questions and issues concerning Covid-19

Information and advice from the (German) Foreign Office on entry to New Zealand for German citizens (german page)

Information and advice of the (Austrian) Foreign Office on entry to New Zealand for Austrian citizens (german page)

Information and advice from the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) for Swiss citizens (german page)

If you are unsure about your travel plans, please contact us without obligation and we will be happy to help you!


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