Travel to Australia is finally possible again!
Note: This text is updated continuously. Nevertheless, we do not assume any liability for the correctness of the information, please inform yourself additionally also at the official authorities. You will find corresponding links at the end of this article.After almost two years of closure, the Australian government has finally spoken the redemptive words on Monday, 07.02.2022: The borders will be opened again for people from all over the world – already from 21.02.2022!
Quarantine-free entry is possible under the following conditions:
– Proof of full Covid vaccination protection for all travelers 12 years and older. Unvaccinated children up to and including 11 years of age may enter without problems as long as they are not traveling unaccompanied. Exceptions for people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons are possible.
– At least 72 hours before entry, the Australia Travel Declaration (ATD) must be filled out online. In the ATD, the most important health data such as your vaccination and/or convalescence status are requested.
– You must have a negative PCR test (no older than 72 hrs prior to departure) OR a negative rapid antigen test from a certified agency (no older than 24 hrs prior to departure) upon entry.
We at volaTWO are very happy about this news and look forward to finally being able to plan your long-awaited Australia trip for you!